The company previously known as Ivoclar Vivadent is now operating under the name Ivoclar. However, the name change does not affect their long and renowned history as a leading manufacturer of dental materials and technological solutions.
Ivoclar continues to offer a wide range of dental products, including tooth restoration materials, tools, digital technologies, and aesthetic systems. Their innovative solutions and high-quality products are highly regarded among dentists worldwide.
Ivoclar is known for its commitment to the development of modern dental technologies, such as CAD/CAM systems, digital prosthetic solutions, advanced aesthetic materials, and many others. Their products are used in dental clinics and laboratories around the world, assisting dentists in achieving excellent treatment outcomes.
Ivoclar is also involved in the development and education of dentists, offering training programs, courses, and technical support. They work closely with professionals and dental institutions to collaboratively create new solutions and raise standards in the field of dentistry.
With its reputation, innovation, and extensive experience, Ivoclar remains one of the key players in the dental market, continuing its commitment to delivering high-quality products and solutions for the dental industry.
730,00 zł
360,00 zł
195,00 zł
620,00 zł
319,00 zł
Regular price:
330,00 zł
39,00 zł
46,00 zł
400,00 zł